Thursday, August 20, 2009

What do I have to lose?

15 kilograms of lard to begin with – 33 pounds.

Dragged myself to the gym and had an assessment done. Lots of work and I need to focus on getting it done.

The instructor/physio at the gym was quite cool about the whole thing, the flunking of the various fitness test – is it the marines test of how many sit-ups, pushups and squats you can do in a minute?

Anyhow, I have my work cut out ahead of me.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Frisk me

I find this whole drama pertaining to Shah Rukh Khan being detained in a US airport for an hour of questioning slightly nauseating.

There is definitely a certain amount of profiling which gets done to determine frisking, this can be biased. However, to make such a big ruckus about it seems more self serving publicity than genuine outrage.

As a sovereign nation, the US has a right to dictate what it’s security policy should be and really should not need to apologize for enforcing that.

For all his newly minted doctorate, Shah Rukh Khan is simply an actor (hammy in my opinion, but an entertainer). Delusions of grandeur might be more the case or even clever marketing.

Someone of Abdul Kalam’s stature, which is more than Shah Rukh or most of us can even aspire to become, accepted the frisking as part of his travel.

Its time we grew up.